is a classically trained pianist and musician. 

Janette started learning piano at the age of four. She completed her Certificate of Merit to the advanced level and received the Senior Award in 2016.  She performed at the Certificate of Merit Honors Festival Recital and the Music Teachers' Association of California Convention in 2013. She placed 4th in the Treasury of Impressionist, Senior Ruby division at the United States Open Music Competition 2013. Other competition experience includes the Northwest Chopin Festival in 2009 and the United States Open Music Competition, Senior Impressionist and Classical division, in 2014.

She owes her continued love for piano and extensive piano-playing experience to her teachers, Jessica HJ Choi, Nancy Kim, and Young Mee Kim.

Aside from piano, Janette has played clarinet since the age of ten and was a member of the California Band Directors' Association All-State Honor Band in 2012. She has won multiple awards at the California Music Educators' Association Bay Section Solo Ensemble Festival and participated in the Chicago International Music Festival in 2016.

Janette attended the University of California, Davis, and graduated as a Human Development major with a minor in Psychology. Her coursework in various early childhood development and education courses, as well as two internships as an academic supervisor, has built a strong supplemental foundation for a deeper understanding of children and teaching. Additionally, she was a member of the University Chorus in 2018 and performed at the Mondavi Center for the Performing Arts.

With teaching, Janette strives to accommodate each student and cater to their strengths and weaknesses. She believes it is important to find enjoyment in challenges and to encourage personal motivation for higher achievements. Her goal is to cultivate a strong foundation to support future piano playing so that students may thrive as a musician beyond their childhood years. Ms. Janette is open to all students who are passionate about music and excited to learn. 

Ms. Janette is fluent in English and Korean.


Thomas Graeff


Kaori Dobrin